Network / AIA Courses

DLC NLC Training Course (NETWORK-EiQ-248)

4.0 CEUs

Welcome to the DesignLights Consortium, Networked Lighting Controls (NLC) training course. This AIA course builds upon existing, fundamental lighting control knowledge and introduces industry professionals to the DLC's Qualified Products List (QPL) for NLCs.

An 8-module course in Networked lighting controls:
Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Required Capabilities
Module 3: Reported Capabilities
Module 4: Common Questions
Module 5: Intro to Utility Incentive Programs
Module 6: Identifying Needs
Module 7: The DLC QPL
Module 8: Applications

# of CEU Hours: 4.0

  • DLC Module 1: Introduction
  • DLC Module 2: Required Capabilities
  • DLC Module 3: Reported Capabilities
  • DLC Module 4: Common Questions
  • DLC Module 5: Intro to Utility Incentive Programs
  • DLC Module 6: Identifying Needs
  • DLC Module 7: The DLC QPL
  • DLC Module 8: Applications
  • Survey
  • DLC NLC Training | Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 3 years